• Coaching - inspiration - self help

    Qualified to Coach

    One of the things I enjoy the most about being an entrepreneur is the seemingly magical ability to create a career that I love. After decades of working for others, always learning & growing, testing & changing, and leaping faithfully into new ventures of my own, as a Life Coach I am grateful to be rooted in work that supports me financially & emotionally, beautifully uses all of my gifts, talents, & experiences, and fits perfectly into my schedule. I get to write, create, talk, share, teach, travel, learn, encourage, inspire, and empower. I get to try and fail and…

  • brain training - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra I Am Here

    Wherever you go, there you are… so where are you today? Is your mind detached from your body, is your heart on one side of the world while you’re somewhere else? It’s not that these are “bad” things, but there is another way. Practice total mindfulness by allowing yourself to be fully present in your immediate surroundings, while simultaneously consciously connecting your spirit to every being. Whoa! The power of it is INTENSE and at first, you will only be able to handle it for a split-second… but I promise you, it’s totally worth it. Sending my Love and Light…

  • Coaching - Friday Feels - self help

    #FridayFeels For the Love of the Learning

    Like the very best teachers, Life is always offering us valuable lessons, whether or not we are consciously and intentionally asking for them. We simply agree to show up, and there they are: life lessons designed to grow us, mold us, shape us, challenge us, better us, perfect us, and (yes, absolutely!) bless us. Oh, sure- oftentimes these Life Lessons may at first look/feel annoying or uncomfortable or inconvenient or downright unpleasant, but don’t let that stop you from really examining what is being offered to you, what’s on the other side of it. Is it patience? Is it forgiveness?…

  • Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra Savor Every Slice

    This #MondayMantra #solareclipse2017 edition features my sweetheart and I taking in the Magic of the total eclipse today in gorgeous Grey Rocks Reservoir, Wyoming. We had a couple of days available for an adventure, so we took it! This mantra is a reminder to make and enjoy your opportunities: “I savor every slice of life.” #theblessingsbutterfly #empowermentcoach #mantra #mondaymantra #coachlife #iambeingboss

  • Miscellaneous

    Michelle Lewis The Blessings Butterfly Appears on the Money Mantra Podcast

    At the beginning of the year (maybe it was the end of last year??) I was invited to speak as a guest on the new Money Mantra podcast. It was my first podcast interview, and I was nervous about what I would share and how I would sound and all of that insecure stuff that comes with allowing some vulnerability into your life. Mostly, though, I was excited!  I was excited for the opportunity to share a little sliver of my expertise, my passion, and my story with a wider audience and get the message of Self Love and Healing…

  • Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra Power for Good

    In a time when hatred, bigotry, ignorance and fear are grabbing the world's attention, YOU and I have the power to stand up for truth, kindness, beauty, unity, and love. We have the power to let our friends and family members who are affected by racism, sexism, homophobia or any other injustice know that we support them and will work to fix what's broken. Today's #mondaymantra is a reminder of your power for good: "I use my power and influence to create peace and healing." #theblessingsbutterfly #empowermentcoach #mantra #healing #peace #endracism #endsexism #endhomophobia

  • Coaching - Miscellaneous

    Shedding My Cocoon

    Friends, I am writing to you to share some changes I am making in my life and my business that I am excited about, even though there is also some sadness and a little bit of fear around them. Like a caterpillar making the transition to a butterfly, it involves leaving behind part of me so I can spread my wings and grow further into my beautiful purpose. I look forward to sharing this transformation with you. As part of this transition, the time has come for me to close down my first signature program, The Cocoon – Empowered Transformation. I…

  • Miscellaneous

    #FridayFeels Sunny

    This #fridayfeels warm, sunny, and silly! Got to spend the morning at the Living Desert exhibit and yes, I feed and got kissed by this giraffe. The desert is hot AF and kicked my ass, but I had a great time with my sweetheart.* *Not pictured. #theblessingsbutterfly #iambeingboss #randr #desert #wildlife #giraffe #conservation

  • Coaching - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra On Facing Disappointment

    Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes, you disappoint other people- or even Yourself. An important key to healing is to allow the uncomfortable feelings, and learn the lessons that are presented in the situation without falling down into a pit of negativity. Instead of choosing blame or shame, try choosing to see one thing that you can be grateful for- one positive lesson that you can take away and build on for the next time. Today's #MondayMantra is a positive mindset shift for when you are facing disappointment. "Even when I am disappointed, I can be grateful for the lessons learned."…

  • Friday Feels - inspiration

    #FridayFeels Breathe in Peace

    If you haven't heard it yet, and even if you have- let this be a sign to you from the universe and beyond: Great job! You did it! You have much to be proud of! Focus on the good things. You've done good work. You've faced fears and moved forward anyway. You've peeled away another layer of your own bullshit to reveal more of your beautiful soul and true self. You are a Warrior, an Angel, a Lighthouse. Give yourself the gift of quiet reflection and spend a few moments in pure gratitude. Breathe in Peace, Love.