• Astrology - Lunar Magick - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - New Moon - Witchy

    Harnessing the Magic of the Solar Eclipse: A Guide for Witches

    The solar eclipse is one of the most powerful celestial events in the magickal calendar. When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, it casts a shadow that turns day into night, creating a surreal moment of cosmic alignment. For witches, this is a rare opportunity to tap into potent energies and transform intentions into reality. The next solar eclipse will be the annular “Ring of Fire” occurring October 2, 2024. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your witchcraft journey, here’s how to make the most of this cosmic phenomenon. NOTE: Don’t be reckless and…

  • Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Wheel of the Year: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Mabon

    POV: You’re new to all things Witchy and are trying to navigate allllllll the different sources of information. Don’t worry Bestie, I’m here to give you the easy beginner-friendly deets for understanding the pagan celebration of Mabon! Here’s the quick breakdown: What is it and how do you say it? Mabon (pronounced MAY-bun or MAH-bun) is a pagan festival celebrated as part of the Wheel of the Year, a modern calendar of seasonal holidays observed by many modern pagans, particularly those following Wicca and other neopagan traditions. When is Mabon? Mabon occurs on the autumnal (Fall) equinox, typically around September…

  • brain training - Coaching - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Miscellaneous - self help - Witchy

    A Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Mindfulness Meditation Practice

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly “I can’t meditate! It’s impossible for me to silence my mind.” Does that sound familiar? Trust me, I hear this frequently when I start working with my clients. In my work as an Energy Witch, I absolutely LOVE showing people some simple ways to introduce the practice of Mindfulness Meditation into their daily routine. It’s a very accessible form of magick that you can use to immediately change the energy in and around you. Mindfulness Meditation Overview Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation practice that involves focusing your attention on the present moment and…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous - Tarot - Witchy

    2024 Tarot Card of the Year: Strength

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly Welcome, 2024! There’s a powerful new energy coming into play this year, so let’s take an esoteric look at it. In today’s article, we’re going to focus on how Numerology and the Tarot come together with a powerful guiding message for the year ahead. In numerology, which is the study of numbers and their spiritual significance, each year holds its own unique energy vibration based on the digits that compose it. In the case of the year 2024, the sum of its digits, 2 + 0 + 2 + 4, equals 8. This numerical composition…

  • brain training - Community - Explore Your Divinty - healing - Miscellaneous - Transformational Positivity - Witchy

    Reclaiming Our Spirituality: Religious Deconstruction

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way up front: I am a Witch. I often work with various gods, goddesses, ancient deities, ascended masters, and a whole lot of spirit-beings. It’s an amazing spiritual connection that has always been part of my life, though I had to keep it hidden from most people. Especially from religious people… even when I was openly religious. My own sacred journey has become one of following my heart as someone who is deeply spiritual… but no longer is bound by religious constructs. After having spent many…

  • Explore Your Divinty - Miscellaneous - Transformational Positivity - Witchy

    Spirit Guides 101

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Do you ever find yourself wondering if you have any spirit guides? And, are they even real …if so… who are they? You’re not alone! I’ve put together some Spirit Guide Basics to help you get started. Throughout history, many cultures have believed in the existence of spirit guides. These are non-physical beings who act as our protectors, helpers, and advisors. Spirit guides are said to be wise, powerful, and loving beings who offer guidance, support, protection and inspiration to those who seek their assistance. What are Spirit Guides? Spirit guides are beings from…

  • Coaching - healing - inspiration - Miscellaneous - self help - Transformational Positivity - Whole-Self Love - Witchy


    Written by Guest Author Kimberly Watson, aka The Lipstick Witch If you are reading this, you are probably interested in magic & manifestation. Information on these subjects can be found everywhere, books, videos, decks, mantras, music, meditations, you name it, but it seems that no one ever talks about the most important ingredient you need to manifest or make magic without ever cracking a book, watching a video, or repeating a mantra, and that ingredient is you. I have learned this from personal experience, and I am sharing this because I want you to win, I want you to manifest…

  • Miscellaneous - Witchy

    The Age of Modern Witchcraft

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly So you find yourself feeling drawn to witchcraft and all things magickal? You’re not alone! Welcome to the magickal resurgence, or what I like to call the Age of Modern Witchcraft. Witchcraft has been a part of human culture for centuries and has evolved over time. We have come a long way from the Dark Days of murderous “witch hunts” throughout much of the world, where so many innocent people were falsely accused, imprisoned, tortured and even killed. Today, Modern Witchcraft is more commonly associated with spiritual practices and beliefs that are often centered…

  • Astrology - Community - inspiration - Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Fringe Dwellers in the Archives: Wiccans, Pagans, and Astrologers, oh my!
    Alternative Women and Their Histories

    Written by Angela L. Todd, Guest Author An old Wiccan saying says, “What is remembered, lives.” And I preface that with what is saved, is remembered. If you’re here, you’re likely drawn to the fringes of culture, not mainstream ideas and lifestyles. These all have important places in world history. “Different” paths such as Wiccans, Pagans, astrologers, alternative spiritualities, and other fringe dwellers aren’t often included in our collective histories. Historical documents and original materials saved in historical societies and archives are the raw materials for those histories. But who is doing the saving? Historically, those who have been inspired…

  • Community - Explore Your Divinty - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Witchy

    A Beginner’s Guide to The Wheel of the Year

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly If you are just getting started on your witches path, you’ve probably begun hearing about the Wheel of the Year. You might even be familiar with some of the names of the different sabbats such as Samhain or Yule that make up the points on the Wheel. This article is designed as an introduction, and gives you some quick insights to help you along the way. It’s not by any means an in depth look, but a helpful beginner’s guide. The Wheel of the Year is a calendar that describes the cyclical nature of…

  • Astrology - Lunar Magick - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Witchy

    An Easy Guide to Rose Quartz Moon Water

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Many witches- whether they are new practitioners or have been at their craft for decades- have a bit of a love-affair with the Moon, and with making Moon Water. Myself included! I use Moon Water for many different purposes, and I make it during different lunar phases to suit my needs. I have a handy guide at the end of this article to help you with what each moon phase signifies. If you are reading this around the time of a Full Moon, you’re in luck! Grab your ingredients and make you a batch…

  • Explore Your Divinty - Miscellaneous - Tarot - Witchy

    Get Started Learning Tarot

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly I began my first steps along the witches path when I was very young. My earliest experiences with the supernatural happened well before age 10, and my interest in the occult, witchcraft, spirituality, and divination was piqued! I asked for spellbooks and crystal balls as Christmas presents, so…. yeah… learning to read tarot was just a matter of time. In this article, I will touch on some the basics for getting started learning the art of reading tarot. It’s important to note that these are guidelines, and you will naturally develop your own style…

  • Explore Your Divinty - Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Beginners Guide to Creating a Magick Sigil

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly While chatting recently with my Moon Witches coven, one of the members asked, “What’s a sigil?” After giving the most basic, time-crunched answer, I decided it would be more beneficial to write a simplified beginner’s guide about the art of creating sigils and share it with y’all. There are many different ways to create a sigil, this is definitely not the only method but it is one of the simplest. What’s a Sigil? Sigils in the simplest terms are symbols that are believed to have magickal power and are used for various purposes, such…

  • Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Dollar Store Witchcraft for Witches on a Budget

    Written By TJ Pandora “Auntie PanPan” Teer, Guest Author Sometimes you just can’t make it to the local occult store at three o’clock in the morning. I have yet to create a 24 hour occult store vending machine…but I’m working on it. In the meantime we must learn the art of improvisation. Sometimes you just simply can not afford certain magickal items as well. When you have been in the craft for a long period of time, of course you have your favorite magick items…but not everyone has seventy dollars for a candle or two hundred dollars for a hand…

  • blessings - Community - inspiration - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Transformational Positivity - Witchy

    Wheel of the Year: A Beginner’s Guide to Samhain

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly A Samhain Blessing Samhain is an ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival to celebrate the end of the summer, the final harvest before winter sets in. It is traditionally marked by bonfires, and corresponds with a time of honoring the spirits of the dead. Rituals may include a dancing, feasting, nature walks, ancestral altars, and/or a silent supper to remember loved ones who have passed beyond the veil of the living. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, October 31 marks the start of Samhain (which can be tricky to pronounce- “Sow [like cow] In” or “Soh Een”…

  • Explore Your Divinty - Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Wheel of the Year: Lughnasadh, Lammas, & The Start of the Harvest

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly Oh Hey, New Witch! If you’ve recently found yourself on the magickal path, you’re no doubt somewhere between “OMG I’M A BABY WITCH EVERYTHING IS AMAZING!!!” and Holy Sh!t/Information Overload. Fear Thee Not, this post is just a tidbit to give you some basics to help you understand the Lughnasadh/Lammas Sabbat. What is it and How do I say it? Lughnasadh is a Gaelic word that refers to a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. The pronunciation of “Lughnasadh” can vary slightly depending on regional accents and dialects. In general, the pronunciation…

  • Explore Your Divinty - inspiration - Miscellaneous - Transformational Positivity - Witchy

    The Cat & The Bat

    By Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly The story I am about to tell you is completely, unequivocally, true. I have changed the names of the people, but everything else is factual. Even if you do not believe in practical magick, witchcraft, energetic healing, or you believe that all things Woo are just fiction, it is still a true story. Magick Everywhere It was a beautiful spring Friday in the South of France back in 2019. There was a tingling sense of magick everywhere. I was wearing the hell out of a fabulous little form-fitting red dress and rose-gold leather flats,…

  • Astrology - Lunar Magick - Miscellaneous - Tarot - Witchy

    Eclipse Season 2024 (With Free Eclipse Tarot Spread)

    By Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly If you’ve spent any time dabbling in astrology or even casually connecting with witchy, pagan, and magickal folk then you’ve undoubtedly heard some buzz about the start of Eclipse Season. But what does that even mean? Don’t worry boo, I got you! Geek out with me for the science and the metaphysical nerdy goodness! [tl/dr: Eclipses are hella cool, scroll down for a free eclipse tarot spread] The Science Part Eclipse seasons occur roughly every six months when the Sun is near the lunar nodes, which are the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects…

  • Coaching - Community - inspiration - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Miscellaneous

    A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Your Word of the Year

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly As the New Year approaches, many people find themselves reflecting on the past and contemplating their aspirations for the future. One popular and powerful practice that has gained momentum in recent years is selecting a “Word of the Year.” Rather than setting traditional resolutions, choosing a guiding word can provide focus, clarity, and a sense of purpose throughout the coming months. This is something that I’ve been practicing for ages, and it’s served me far better than rigid resolutions ever did! Here’s my beginner-friendly guide on how to select a meaningful Word of the Year…

  • healthy - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - recipes

    Rad Recipes: Roasted Roots

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly I love to cook, and I really love to eat! What I don’t love is an overly-complicated recipe. When I first learned how to roast root veggies, it was like a match made in Food Heaven: 1 pan + a handful of ingredients = Deliciousness. Roasted root vegetables are a delicious and nutritious dish that can be easily customized to your liking. The “kitchen witch” in me loves everything about this. Perfect for eating seasonally and transitioning into Autumn/Fall! Here’s a basic recipe for roasted root veggies: Ingredients: 4 cups of assorted root vegetables (e.g.,…