Do you ever find yourself more than halfway through the year and realize that you’ve got some pretty cool things to celebrate? Let me encourage you right now to pause and celebrate some of the awesome things that have already happened for you in 2017! Please feel free to share some of your wins with me in the comment section so I can send you a virtual hug and/or high five. I know that I have some good things on my Gratitude List, so I invite you to celebrate them with me too.
When I first launched The Blessings Butterfly TM in 2015, my little business baby was just a tiny, shiny spark of an idea: “How can I help people by doing the things that I truly love?” The idea became a couple of books, and grew to include weekly positive affirmations, helpful tips, healthy recipes, a body-positive wellness program, empowerment coaching, and as always- radical honesty on my blog. I went ALL IN. Despite any fears. Despite any resistance. Despite bad days and hurt feelings and all of the messy stuff that comes along with LIFE.

I celebrate because I choose to keep showing up, even and perhaps especially when it gets hard. I want to acknowledge and celebrate YOU for the ways you keep showing up, too. Because I know that Life rewards us in so many different ways when we choose to show up. That picture is me proudly holding my Official Trademark for The Blessings Butterfly- a huge step forward for this little one-woman-show entrepreneur!
My newest offering is something BIG to celebrate. The Soul Healers Circle is a beautiful evolution of that first tiny, shiny spark of an idea- a way to help people by doing what I truly love. This 7-week coaching intensive is the deep, soul-healing work that I’ve always gravitated toward and that ignites me from another realm. 7 Strong Women. 7 Sacred Weeks. A powerful combination of Group Coaching + Private Individual Coaching, all delivered online so you can participate from home, or wherever in the world you are. A few spots are still available, but I do have to close the doors soon. Applications accepted until August 7. I hope you will join me for this special offering!
To learn more about The Soul Healers Circle, you can click here.
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