• healthy - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - recipes

    Rad Recipes: Roasted Roots

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly I love to cook, and I really love to eat! What I don’t love is an overly-complicated recipe. When I first learned how to roast root veggies, it was like a match made in Food Heaven: 1 pan + a handful of ingredients = Deliciousness. Roasted root vegetables are a delicious and nutritious dish that can be easily customized to your liking. The “kitchen witch” in me loves everything about this. Perfect for eating seasonally and transitioning into Autumn/Fall! Here’s a basic recipe for roasted root veggies: Ingredients: 4 cups of assorted root vegetables (e.g.,…

  • brain training - Coaching - healing - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help

    9 Strategies for Embracing Change

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Change is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a career shift, a move to a new city, a relationship evolving, or even the seasons changing, we constantly find ourselves navigating through transitions. While change can be challenging and unsettling, it is also an opportunity for growth, learning, and self-discovery. In this article, we will touch on 9 effective strategies to help you handle changes gracefully and thrive amidst life’s transformations. The initial reaction to change is often resistance. We may feel fear, anxiety, or even sadness when faced with the unknown. However, the…