• brain training - Coaching - inspiration - Miscellaneous

    The REAL Formula for Success

    Written by Guest Contributor, Helen Tremethick All opinions expressed in this article are the sole perception/experience of the writer, and may not necessarily be shared by Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly. All Rights Reserved. Many years ago, I wrote a blog post called, “SUCCESS begins with SELF-CARE”. I was crafty enough to turn the word SUCCESS into an anagram that included: Self-care, Understanding, Community, Creativity, Excellence, Service, and Savasana. What’s most interesting to me about this post is not how nerdy I am when it comes to wordplay but how relevant it is even now.  As entrepreneurs and values-minded…

  • blessings - brain training - Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra Today’s Lessons…

    Every day holds life lessons for us to learn from and grow. These challenges come to us in a million different shapes, sizes, and levels of difficulty but they each have one thing in common: to prepare us for our own personal success. If you find yourself in a place of frustration because you are facing the same challenge over and over, take heart. You will Level Up- either with more polish, or with battle scars. This is just a big lesson that you are being forced to look at by your future self. It’s important enough for you to…

  • blessings - brain training - healing - life challenge - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - self help - Transformational Positivity

    The Twenty-Seventh Blessing: Success

    Blessing #27: I am Successful “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ― Napoleon Hill What does it mean to be successful? It is in dreaming, it is in desiring, it is in accomplishing the things that we set out to do. It is in trusting that one crazy calling of our heart and following it along an obstacle-filled path, down a few rabbit holes, into a brick wall or two or three and then ultimately to the place where we can quietly whisper, “I did it!” “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in…