• brain training - healing - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - self help

    The Fourth Blessing: Goodness

    Blessing #4: I Am a Good Person I like to think of myself as a Good Person. Not without some flaws, not perfectly polished, not without loads of mistakes along the way; but at the core of my being and in the way I choose to live my life, I am one of the Good Ones. One of the ways that I make this true is by being accountable to a few trusted souls- my own personal posse that I’ve cultivated over the years- and by staying honest & truthful with myself, and with them. I’ve learned that being a…

  • brain training - healing - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness

    The Third Blessing: Strength

    CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of traumatic life events Blessing #3: I am Strong As I have reached this point in my life-journey, I am simply amazed at the various and difficult circumstances I’ve gone through in 5 decades. I have survived bullying, incest, sexual abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, stalking, drug addiction, alcoholism, two broken engagements, and more. So much loss, pain, and heartache. Too much for a blog! Dark places, ugly places, scary places. Heartbreaking places. Terrifying places. Some places that I thought, in the moment, I would not survive. But I did. And though I was once a victim, I…

  • brain training - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness

    The Second Blessing: Gratitude

    Blessing #2: I am Grateful Years upon years ago, as wise person challenged me to find just one thing that I was grateful for, each and every day, no matter what. It was a brilliant challenge, because I am continually amazed at how many things in my life there are to be grateful for. Some things are big and obvious, while other things are more nuanced and delicate and require me to pause and look closely.  But there has never been a day that I can’t find at least 1 thing. I’ve found that when I start to focus on…

  • blessings - brain training - healing - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness

    The First Blessing: Love

    Blessing #1: I am Loved What would your life look like if you realized that, no matter what, you are totally, deeply, beautifully, unconditionally loved? What would change? What would feel different? Wouldn’t all of your other relationships suddenly be so much richer, so much more balanced? Wouldn’t you have an increased capacity to give and receive Love, and not feel like you are constantly having to chase after it? Often it seems that we are conditioned to [only] look externally for such a sense of being loved. We tend to seek this through religion, through faith communities, through family…

  • blessings


    The Blessings Butterfly book release is on target for September 1, all systems go, stoked and looking forward! YAY! To coincide with the release of the eBook on Amazon, we are going to launch with #31Days of “inspired chatter” on our Facebook fan page beginning on September 1, 2015. Each day from 9/1-10/1, members will be able to post their insights, encouragements, and uplifting messages based on the daily reading. We believe that the loving, healing energy that we co-create over that month will be incredibly powerful, beautiful, and life-changing! Come on over and join us, and bring a friend.…

  • blessings - healing - inspiration - life challenge - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - self help


    Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could just go with our natural flow every day, unfettered and unflustered by the ‘interruptions’ and changes to our comfortable routines? I think it’s incredibly important to recognize that our lives have different rhythms and patterns throughout, and upon recognizing that- simply allow ourselves to be okay with it. We aren’t robots programmed to do exactly the same thing day in and day out; rather we are organic, intricate spiritual beings interacting with one another daily. There are going to be some interruptions.  There are going to be changes to our routines. There are…

  • brain training - healing - Mantras - self help

    Hello world! Welcome to The Blessings Butterfly.

    Hello, World! I am Michelle Lewis (she/her/they) the creator & founder of The Blessings Butterfly, a holistic coaching & energy healing practice that is teaching people to live a life that they love. I am a writer, speaker, energy witch/healer, and author of the Amazon bestselling positive affirmation books, The Blessings Butterfly and The Blessings Butterfly Having worked hard for decades to overcome severely traumatic events that began in my early childhood and repeated in painful, looping patterns well into adult life, I am passionate about using my gifts and wisdom in bringing hope and healing to millions. This is…