My simple prayer for us all today: “May you see all the Beauty today.” 💖🦋
Do you make it a point to regularly observe Beauty? Not to objectify it, but to actually see the Beauty that is in and around you, and in everyone? It’s a powerful practice of positivity that has helped me to heal some pretty deep wounds over my *many* years on the planet. Even if you have your shit together, I invite you to take time today to look and see Beauty. Celebrate it! Share it!
Ugly Truth: It’s not at all hard to see the bad, the brutal, and the downright ugly in and around us. You really don’t have to go far to find it- we humans carry it with us wherever we go. If I’m being honest, I will admit that I can become so overwhelmed by the darkness in the world that it is sometimes paralyzing. Even now, I can only take the daily news in small bites, because the regular onslaught of bad is like a donkey kick to my guts, making me just weep and ache for the world. Not fun.
Like so many of us, I have been deeply hurt and affected by the darkness in others, so I am not only aware of but truly fearful of the same ugly that coexists inside of me. Do you ever catch yourself being kind of awful and think to yourself, “Whoa, did I really just say that? Did I really think that?” Again, not fun.
It’s astonishing how much power we carry around in our being, and how easy it is for us to “give in” to our own shit. I know that I am not so different from those whose actions I might see as disgusting, hurtful, hateful. Though I may choose to act in Love & Light more often than not, I know I am capable of being just as horrible as the worst person if I want to be.
How to Not Be a Horrible, Hateful Asshole: I believe that we must not ignore or bypass those dark things inside and around us, nor dwell in their brutality- but in order to not be overpowered by their [our] ugliness, we must continually look for and find the Beauty around us, and in us. Grow that. Recognize and nurture and celebrate that Beauty each day. We always have a choice! Today, I choose to see all the Beauty. 💖🦋 #theblessingsbutterfly #empowermentcoach #inspirational #speaker #seethebeauty

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