• Coaching - Friday Feels - self help

    #FridayFeels So Positive!

    People often ask me, “Michelle, how are you always so happy & positive? I want to be more like that, but ____.” The thing is, I’m not ALWAYS super happy, because, you know, I’m not a robot. I’m not Pollyanna either. But, I have cultivated a practice of looking for the Light, and finding the Positive in all of my situations and circumstances. It began as a survival technique for me and became my modus operandi; it’s not *just* something I was born with. I can teach you how to live with a more positive mindset too. Not with a…

  • Coaching - Friday Feels - inspiration

    #FridayFeels The Gloom & The Bloom

    This past week has been a tough one for so many people. Whether you are reeling from the global terrors being inflicted on the innocent, or struggling with interpersonal challenges, office politics, or facing your own demons- it seems like everyone I know has been feeling overwhelmed this week in one way or another. Me too. I’m sometimes called The Positivity Queen, but even I struggle with my glittering crown from time to time. I’m tender and vulnerable, I get tired, and I sometimes really just want to camp out on my couch with my cat, a bowl of chips…

  • blessings - Friday Feels - inspiration

    #FridayFeels Anything is Possible

    If you’ve known me for more than a minute or have been following me for a while, you know that I am a pretty open and positive person.  Sure, I have my up days and down days because, well, sometimes shitty things happen. I don’t try to hide the times I’m struggling or ignore things about society that bum me out. I believe that honestly sharing the journey is an important part of my story. Some days, however, I feel a stronger sense of that anything is possible optimism and a surge of positivity that I can’t contain.  It comes…

  • blessings - brain training - healing - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    Positivity is My Superpower, Negativity is My Kryptonite

    I Am Positive! I love to fill my heart and mind with positive thoughts, images of hope, and inspiring stories of courage & strength. Taking in little pops of positivity throughout my day fuels me, helps me to stay my course and enjoy my journey. I find that with a positive frame of mind, I am more engaged with the world around me and I am better able to notice and respond to seen & felt needs in a way that ripples out blessing and love. Some days, however, I run into some reeeeallllly nasty roadblocks, and like Superman touching…